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Pavol's group can help the Jew against the Hussites with one of the following ways:

 •Pay 30 coins to Marian, then he will send Marian's Son to scare away the Hussites which will fled, thus providing no loot.
 •Place a Petard in the hole next to the house, eliminating them and providing access to loot their corpses (15 crowns, jam and sour cream, 40 crowns and alpa)
 •Fight against them, there are 4 enemies including a Captain(Zornhau/hit twice), Arquebusier(gunshot) and Pillager(Stunning blow), after the battle they can drop 3 items; Jam, Cuirass and Porridge.

The house have some items that can be looted if the Jew is not inside, otherwise he will ask to not rummage his things.